There are plenty of things that i dislike about SEGi College. This doesn't only applies to me, but on a whole, if you noticed, most SEGi-ians aren't really proud of where do they study. Somehow... The GangHo Spirit of it couldn't be compared to those well established Colleges like Taylors University College or Sunway University College.
Anyway, there was something that made me proud and also committed in the college, which was the SEGi Leadership Camp (SLC). I was told by a few peers about SLC being one of the best camp attended and trust me they're right, but nothing can be compared to it as to experiencing it. Most camps I would say that the participants are the reason why it is successful, well this is no different but the few instructors were the differences between these camps too.
Day 1
Arrived at Nusa Dusun at Linggi roughly around 0300 hours.

Nusa Dusun, located somewhere in the middle of the hutan katulistiwa of Melaka, where even you don't get connection for mobile phones.

Coming out from the "airport terminal"


Rock Climbing activity right on the first day.
Rock climbing was seriously fun, but unlike many other rock climbing facilities in Genting, or so on, this one actually teaches you the technique on how to climb, belay, and also wearing all the equipments and as you made it to the top, you'll notice that the people below are much much smaller and also really really proud because you know that it was your effort and your teams effort rather than some instructor doing everything and supporting you as you climb. Trust me its not as easy as it looks.

After a tired day, even Ronaldo needs a time out to it.
Day 2 involves more physical activities and also uses your mentality to the extreme. Simple fun and easy activities among groups such as "Dragon's Tail" to the Caterpillar and hard thinking games such as how do u stack 16 long nails on top of 1 nails without touching the ground. Took us half and hour and still we couldn't get it. Another one which involves strength, agility, and also team's support was rock climbing blindfold. That was the most awesome experience throughout the camp i think, somehow i did it in less than 4 mins! Spiderman in the making!
Of course with all the rock climbing and all, I suffer a few minor injuries like an inch blister on my palm and also several cuts on my knee, but it was all worth it.

6am in the morning.

More rock climbing.
Day 3
Day 3 was pretty easy, simple activities like balancing your whole team on a huge see saw and also flying fox. Besides that, there were many more activities that too, but I'm just pretty lazy to list them out.

Balancing time!


Managed to get the birds eye view on what the camp looks like. Note that this is how high you need to jump.

Ready to jump?
Managed to get a video when I was "flying" but unfortunately, I think the video was cut. It will only show the start and the end of it.... WHY!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't believed its messed up.
This was how it looks like from below. Awesomeness.
Well, its hard to say that SLC changed me so far, but it depends on the individual on how they apply the lessons they learned and it definitely makes us, the participants closer to one another like a family. Starting to miss the camp.!
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