Looking back, I have managed to achieved 6/8 of my 2008 resolutions which includes.
1. Being top sales for a month at work.
2. Increase balance in Piggie Bank
3. Grow Taller.. (Despite all odds, I did!)
4. Remove the flabs from my usually very flabby and fair arms. ( Like tau foo far )
5. Obtained a Driving License.
6. Got a MacBook!
6/8 is pretty good I guess.
My 9 resolution for 2009 are,
1. Increase Bank Balance by spending less!
2. Buy a new phone (Kinda contradict the first one already....)
3. Maintain a CGPA of 3.5 and above by the end of the year.
4. Grow taller!
5. Own a car or PS3
6. Buy an LCD Tv
7. If I ended up in a relationship, I need to be loyal/ If I was single, then just let me be!
8. Go for a medical health check up.
9. Travel Overseas with friends. (Anywhere outside Malaysia)
To everyone that I've hurt in the year 2008, I'm sorry and Thank you to all who cheered me up throughout this up and down year.
Happy New Year and may the checklist of the resolution begins!
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