Sunday, October 29, 2006


I used to be a quite talented figure skater when I was 12.
It was because I took skating lessons during that age..
I kinda regreted not to continue the skating lessons.
But I've continued skating until the next year.
There are loads of good and bad memories in the skating ring...
Good - I've first met Tse Jing there when we were only 12...( thanks for the chicken wing )
          - First met Nat Li there during form 1.
Bad - Got ditched by friends.... dumb shitzzzz...

After the bad incident... I've kinda lost my interest in skating.. but it didn't stop me from going back skating after 3 years..

Emo sial..

Went to the skating ring with Dao, Jian, Jim, was a little nervous as its been 3 years since i've last skated.

Jian's cut by the skates

But somehow, magically i've manage to skate, quite brilliantly..!
Now, maybe after catching up the skating fever... i really really want to buy a ice hockey skates...very badly...

Super Chubby boy who cried while learn skating.

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